Hepatitis B Vaccination Camps
LCF plans to liaise with other state governments to adopt the Hepatitis B vaccination also, as a basic vaccine in the immunization schedule for all children.
50 million Indians are estimated to be carriers of the Hepatitis-B virus. Liver Care Foundation to educate the population at large about liver diseases with a focus on Hepatitis B virus, and immunize underprivileged children aged 6-17 years that do not qualify for government immunization programs.
The Liver Care Foundation is a non profit organization dedicated towards promoting a healthy liver. Our goal is to assist and support healthcare related to liver diseases and our vision, to contribute towards a 'Liver Disease’ free world.
We are looking to collaborate with NGOs who have worked within the community on health related issues. Together, we can achieve the mission to generate awareness about liver health via vaccination camps for Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B, as you may be aware, affects 50 million people in this country. It has devastating effects on the liver as the disease progresses. This virus is preventable by a timely vaccine in three doses.
We also organize health talks on liver care and have made successful intervention amongst various audiences in the community.
We would be grateful if you could include us for technical assistance in providing Hepatitis B vaccination, whenever you organize your own health campaigns.
Should you be interested, we would appreciate the following
1. Number of children, in the area where you work, age range 6-17, who may need
2. Number of pregnant women who may not have been vaccinated.
3. A proposed area where such a vaccination camp may be organized
Vaccination Camp
Delhi Government vaccinates children in the ages of 0-6 years as per the Universal Immunization Plan. The Liver Care Foundation will undertake the task to vaccinate children aged 6-17 years as the state has no additional funds for this age-range.
The targeted children and their families were first educated about liver diseases, particularly Hepatitis. The Liver Care Foundation prepared a registry of children to be vaccinated and procured the informed and written consent from the parents of these children. Each child then received three doses of vaccination over 3 months to provide lifetime immunity from Hepatitis-B.
We were able to vaccinate 25,000 children in the underprivileged communities of North West Delhi, which was quite an achievement given the migrant nature of target comminities.